Sunday, April 7, 2019

Opening Weekend

The graduating high school seniors visited the welcome center for a "fireside" where we told them about different activities, ate food, and played a classic Don't Eat Pete. Group 2 was significantly better than Group 1, but we also had our shiz together a little more.

Mason dresses in his mom's clothes all
the time, so this isn't weird.
Every month, I have several goals that I work on, but specifically a spiritual one and a physical one that are unique to each month. This month's physically-themed goal is sleep. Not sure if it was divine providence that inspired me to make this or just good planning, but I need it. Allergy season + new glasses + a ridiculous workload at school has me D-E-D dead.

This is me on a good day.
Luckily, I've been preparing in advance for our assignments and exams and so I was about as ready as I could be by the time I took the Neuroscience exam this week. Petra and I spent some time in VR cases together so I got to ask her a few questions, and then I interrupted her gait training session to finish up. It was hard.

Gait training crew in the pro bono PT clinic.

After that mess was over, I took a little break and went swimming and watched Aquaman (with free refreshments and entrance). And talked to MGH. What an absolute delight.

MGH as an old woman.
Friday's activity was "Around the World: Costco-style". Meaning everyone with some connection to another country brought in their souvenirs and told stories and gave out small samples of food. It was awesome. Since someone else had planned to take France, I decided to do Ghana. I made some spicy fried plantains that were so typically African, but not at all American. Hit or miss.

This is the kind of shiz I have to deal with at school.
Take one plate out and the whole stack crumbles.
(This is meant to stop our desk from wobbling.)
Early Saturday, I headed down to PHX where my old bishop was preparing a GC feast. I crashed, helped myself to the food and best spot on the couch and planned out some shenanigans with mis amigas.

Las amigas. 
Jacob let slip that his sister was back in town early for her wedding next weekend, so I spent the rest of Saturday conference at their house. Where they snapped pictures of my face when the Chin was *almost* and actually given a new church calling. After specifically lying to us multiple times.

Ok, ok, so there was a small mispronunciation that
made it much less dramatic for everyone. 
Couldn't dwell on that too much bc the Sox were in town and I made sure to be there. (It's definitely not Fenway.) It was fun to catch up with my squad and now Marissa is in the area for her traveling nurse job, so we got to hang out as well. Favorite part of the whole evening: the announcers were tryna get a chant going for the home team and the Sox fans banded together to completely take over all cheering. We didn't win, but at least we have more community than any other team. 

Do Damage. 

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