Sunday, September 22, 2019

Why Stay on the Path?

Mountain lions. They're terrified of paths.

My new motto in school and life is: Don't commit, don't care. And it's going really well for my stress levels. You know what isn't good for my stress levels? Teachers that randomly throw exams and practicals at us. Or whose "quizzes" are actually 110 minutes of exam.

Dr. Cornwall and I started our research study this week. We're investigating a tape job the inventor claims will last for a whole week. With our first subject, it barely lasted two days, so we'll see how that goes moving forward.

Broccoli fritters - a successful attempt to get Brandi to eat veggies. 
I went hunting with Roger and heard some elk calls, which sound like children screaming if you were wondering. It got too dark for him to shoot by the time we found them, so it was unfruitful. But we did celebrate Amy's and Ryan's kills with elk burger. (Good thing, bc Amy's first kill was stolen.) I helped skin the elk a little and Grams asked if this was unusual for me - to which I replied, "Kind of. I'm used to doing this to humans."

Brandi and I officially started work. And had no patients until Saturday, when we met a delightful jumper with every injury you can think of. She said she'll be coming in more often now that she knows we're there.

Since I had some time Wednesday (my clinicals start next week), I went to the library. For the first (and hopefully only) time in my graduate career. I was researching the Vendel period of Sweden, which is pre-vikings and also the period in which my ancestor Ingvar the Tall lived (and died, at age 98, in battle). Carolyn asked me to write her a family history article and so that's what it's about.
Weapons Ingvar used. 
I showed up at the activity Friday night, because I am on the committee and felt obligated. But felt good about leaving early for homemade spaghetti and an entire gallon of OJ with Roger. (Sorry Rog, did you want some?)

Hungry Hungry Hippos.
I'm finally off meds, although still have some residual effects of the plague that I'm suffering through. I started working out again at the end of the week and my strength training went well, but my pickup basketball did not. So I went to work on some stuff Saturday in between studying.

My favorite annual activity is the Navajo celebration. I don't have to plan it, I learned more about the coming-of-age ceremony (also featured on Morgan Freeman's The Story of God on Netflix), and I eat unlimited Navajo tacos. Delicioso.

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