Sunday, September 29, 2019

Wait. He's NOT graduating??

Dr. Cornwall and I convinced 3 people to let us tape their feet and to run 2mi a day all week. Our research study is going well, although I'm interested to hear feedback from our counterparts in Tucson who were so enthusiastic about this tape job in the first place.

Roger shaved after he killed his elk on Tuesday. 
Tuesday afternoon I was able to volunteer for the first year Foundations lab as a fake patient, "Betty". I was an extremely talkative woman with severe weakness and some cognitive deficits. It was fun being a very realistic, off track, chatty New Yorker (apparently) - although I would've told me to shut up long before those kids built up the nerve.

That whole days was kind of rough since I ran to the gym at 5:30 and got back after volleyball "tryouts" around 10. But we found some good people to fill in on our team, so Val and I were both happy (and so exhausted) after our games on Wednesday. Makes a difference when people serve over the net and also hustle.

The best tasting hobby Roger has. 
I spent my first day of clinicals at the hospital's cardiac ICU with Mark. He is a wonderful preceptor and we had a lot of fun even though all of our initial plans went down the drain (la vie missionnaire). It almost made me want to do a rotation there. Definitely way cooler than I expected.

Me. I would do this. 
Thursday was another long day, but Palmer bought me breakfast after helping load chairs at 6am, then the Journal Club bought me breakfast for showing up for Taylor's article discussion. Which brought up some useful points. We had a full day of classes and then I had work, which is getting better now that I have real patients.

In honor of Lindsey's birthday, we went to Karaoke Night at Monte Vista's. It started late, but it was a blast. And almost everyone there performed exceptionally well. I was impressed and also glad I didn't sign up. Roger came late and we ended up singing and dancing there until around midnight with almost our entire PT class.
I just liked this picture. 
Which meant I was tired and cranky all Friday, but I managed to make it to basketball and do decently well. And make it through classes, a video project, and an important capstone meeting without anything going terribly amiss. After that, I was rushing around getting shiz done until Brandi got off work nearly 2 hours late. We picked up Jasmine, her dog, and her 3 suitcases and headed to the ward campout. We stayed for food and to make sure Jasmine was set up before heading back. I chilled with Roger for a bit and watched him working on building a pretty nice TV stand from scratch.

Saturday, Brandi and I had a good day of work until 12. Roger picked me up so we could head down to PHX for his best friend's white coat ceremony (NOT graduation). We chilled with Carson and his family, I outponged Roger, and ate all of their food. They are good people. We made a detour to Prescott on the way home to drop off some bread and get a much-needed dosage of Paisley before almost falling asleep on the way home.

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