Thursday, April 23, 2020

Birthday Week of Fun (v27)

It was a loaded week. During which we learned all of our first clinicals are cancelled - meaning we now have ten weeks free, and start on July 20th, do our 2 & 3 clinicals, get a Christmas break, and reschedule our final clinical for Jan 4 - Mar 12. And we don't pay any more, but it's also longer until we get paid. So. That sucks.

All I want in life. 
It was my birthday when I found out. But I felt ok because Roger kept feeding me hamburgers that were stupid good. And I got some fresh kicks and a poison ring and a sword and books and flowers and OJ. And ring pops, which Roger thought was really funny.

I sliced my own lemon experiment with said sword. 
Roger and I have been watching the Librarian trilogy for free on Vudu and he loves it. And making delicious food (which uses every single dish in the house in its creation). And I've been doing PT and Nike workouts and running on Joe's alter-G (which has been so nice on my joints and cardio system). And I make bread all the time and now have no yeast.

Yummy toast. 
 Friday was the worst day. I took a five hour comprehensive exam (which I passed by a lot) and went running and worked out and did laundry before I ate so I was so hangry. To a ridiculous extent. And my clothes didn't dry and I lost a potato and there were no tomatoes at the store and I burnt my hamburger and had a meltdown. So Roger made me food and told me nice things.

We went on another 6-mile hike, this time in my favorite red rocks outside of Sedona. It was nice bc the desert was all in bloom and we were hiking along a river, so the trees were bright green and we got engaged and sunburned and hike back out so we could hang out with Paislee and eat tacos.

And Brandi got home just in time for church with homemade bread. And Roger and I painted all day. And watched a sad movie and I talked to Kassie, my delightful mission daughter.

1 comment:

  1. Ha! You almost snuck that engagement announcement past me. Congrats!
