Monday, April 13, 2020

Par-tea (P-A-R-T-Y)

The terrible news of the week is this: NAU has decided to postpone our 30wk clinicals by 10 weeks. We're not exactly sure what the implications of that are right now as far as graduation, etc. but we have a meeting tomorrow to find out. More importantly in the interim, if you have any thoughts on where I should live or what I should do until July 20th, LMK. FR THO.

I'm still doing PT and my NTC app errday. I'm hoping to sneak into the Institute gym sometime this week so I don't have to worry about downstairs neighbors and find a treadmill I can use. Because it's snowing again.

MGH wants us to send her a list of the colors we paint with. 
I took a practice test for my boards exam and passed (barely). So I've been going over that and I feel good about it. I've been studying a lot for the comprehensive exam (which is like a mock board exam) this Friday and once that's done, my mind will no longer care about school for a while. I'm psyched for that. Plenty of time to make my own Tea Tippers parody.

And she's so into colors, she named a bird "Tan". 
Roger and I went to Page for Easters and so we could go on a birthday hike for Stu. I actually just took a leisurely 6mi stroll through the wilderness alone so my knee didn't hate me. We had delicious food both days, dropped some of my stuff into storage, and learned a new country dance move (and it's not a chest bump that I incorporated and Roger hated).

La piece de resistance. 

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