Sunday, December 5, 2021

Sad Scalenes.

The week was rough. I spent a lot of it trying to figure out my neck situation. I have had problems with my scalenes freaking out on rare occasions, and this is the worst bout yet. It makes me want to rip my clavicle out and makes my neck feel really sensitive. I still played volleyball and went to my lifting class. But I did no other exercise, use the theragun, heat packs, and self soft tissue work. Val even helped try to calm it down one morning. 

My counselors came in clutch in YW this week and I felt a little bad. Especially since I've never been to YW with them, only briefly introduced the new teaching methods to the girls, and hadn't planned any activity for Wednesday. So they covered the lesson and helped the girls check out the Christmas lights with some hot chocolate. Bless. 

Work was busy and I was overwhelmed with a bunch of last minute changes, so I was glad Friday rolled around. In my spare time, I've been rereading conference talks and working on a new Etsy study guide for spinal cord specifics. So look forward to that if you're in the game. 

Saturday was the busiest day. I worked on my snatch form with Chris. It's getting better, but slowly. Not helped by my squirrel brain. Then I sped down to Phoenix to visit Cenita, who has been an absolute angel and picked up my new toy all the way from deep Mesa for me. She really is the best. She does me solids all the time and lets me stay with her whenever I have crazy stuff going on last minute and makes a mean keto green bean casserole. It's always good to catch up with her and we were pleasantly surprised at our coordinated outfits (the black shirt, ponytail, and crocs, lol). I owe her a lot. 

I sped back up to Flag pretty quick so that I could help set up for the ward Christmas party. Which meant I actually had to go. And Roger happened to rat me out when they were looking for someone to play the piano for a sing-along. Thanks, bud.

Sunday was also crazy. We had Paislee and Marshall with us in Sacrament and then had a good discussion with them during Sunday School. We had a short respite and then returned for Stu's birthday lunch with grandma and too many games. We also got a Christmas tree and I took the kids with me to see the lights while we picked it up since Grandma Sandall insisted. We will be taking no more Christmas decoration donations, thank you in advance. 

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