Monday, November 29, 2021


City League VB was cancelled this week due to the holiday, so I played with the Monday night league instead. There's a reason that I play Wednesdays, and that is that it is competitive. This was stupid easy and I was barely trying. But it was fun nonetheless. 

My favorite day. 

With Thanksgiving coming up and absolutely no desire to cook a bunch in one day, I split it up. I made a pumpkin pie and oreo cheesecake one day and sweet potato casserole the next. Then, all I had to do was warm up rolls, the casserole, and green beans and my half was gucci. We were going to have some friends over, but they ended up getting called into work, so we were solo and I was actually really excited about it. Roger cooked elk steaks, the rest of his turkey, and a ham as well as some bomb mashed potatoes. We had leftovers. 
Roger "taking care of the kids"

We also slept in and watched a couple of movies starring the Rock - Jungle Cruise and Red List, which are both worth seeing in my opinion and Roger's. We called some family and we got ready for our weekend. 

We also both worked on Friday. I only did it since Rog had to work too, but I hated it. Everyone else was off and was not smart about planning ahead and so I was supposed to see a bunch of patients for other people. It ended up being an okay day, but I was stressed. 

Not quite worthy of Roger's upcoming thirst trap account. 

After Rog got home, we packed up and drove to 12B to help his cousins Amy/Becky shoot their deer. There was a lot of drama. Becky's deer had a killshot and still ran 1.5 miles away, hiding so it took a while to track. Lots of guides were trying to shut down roads and scare people off illegally. The Rangers frequented our camp, but that was because they liked us and liked to chat even more. Amy shot at last light on Saturday night and ended up being pleasantly surprised by her kill. Carol had an ER visit. And a Florida man lost his gun, so Brandt & co lent him one and helped him fill his tag. 

And that's just the hunting part. I was locked in the trailer when Ryan left at 4am (and broke out, no sweat). Rog's fam came down for the day and Linn walked 3 miles, running the last bit - but Roger and Becky were told to take a different trail than ours so ended up not walking with us at all. Meanwhile, the YW teaching the lesson was mysteriously sick at 7am on Sunday and none of my counselors have even been to YW yet. 

I don't know if I'm authorized to share yet,
so keep this photo on the DL.

We had a good time and Rog even agreed to get me home by 6, which is a 10/10 in my books. Before we left, we decided to do a little more hiking to look for Florida man's rifle. Several of Roger's family had been out to look already with no success. But a gator hunt was on the line and as soon as I told HF that I would use some of my time there to help bring this man the gospel, he laid the rifle at my feet. Metaphorically. Really, it was well hidden in a tree. 

The gun and the finder. 

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