Wednesday, February 23, 2022

Day 14

The news you've all been waiting for: I am still doing 75 hard. Does Becky have any plans to rejoin? No, no she does not. Basically, my life is a lot of yoga, running in the snow, and peeing every 5 minutes. But I did have my boxing class and volleyball this week to spice it up. We also had our 3v3 tournament, which cost us a fair penny out of pocket for food. And, as predicted, we did not have a great turnout. 

Apparently all the youth were supposed to meet this last Wednesday to record skits for Quest, but nobody told me until it was too late. So then they planned it for Sunday afternoon, when 100% of the Quest-age YW were absent. Vonetta and I tried to drop some books off at our group members' houses, but they weren't home. So a good week for church stuff.

I finished my vestibular study guides and am scripting up some YT vids. I'm up to like 43 subscribers, so that's cool I guess. Only thousands to go before this is lucrative. But it was a good refresher since I've had some interesting cases at work lately. 

We had a little bday party for Rog's uncle, Ryan. Roger got to hold a baby and I learned about buying foreclosed properties at bank auctions, so it was a win-win. Maybe one day we can have a house. Probably not, but we can hope. 

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