Sunday, February 13, 2022

Day 7

75 hard is the worst. Thanks, Becky (who, incidentally, got covid and quit after 1 day). SO to my friend Brock for bringing his buds to play volleyball so we could have a decent squad. And SO to my knees for making it through almost a full day of basketball without wimping out. 

The YW had an ice skating activity this week, but the girl in charge maybe was a bit unclear on our reservation (which is necessary with the new covid regulations). So we paid for 3 girls to skate and they traded shoes until they let the rest of them in. It ended up working out ok, and one girl even brought a friend, so that was cool to see. 

The stake YW had a training meeting this week with a psychologist to chat about problems the youth face today. I was struck by how out of touch most of the leaders were - and how much younger our presidency is in comparison. (Which was done expressly). The overarching theme was that leaders need to stop trying to change the world - don't tell them to put the phones down, help them figure out how to use them right. 

We also had our stake conference this week and it was nice to have the stake leaders take over with a great lesson. I was impressed that Robyn knew (or figured out) everyone's names. They were impressed that we have the YW be in charge of activities and lessons, because apparently there's a lot of push-back from the other wards to do that. I don't really have a secret other than we made that the expectation and the girls have done it.

Rog and I had an impromptu date to watch the Sun's game at BW's. It was also a BOGO sale on boneless wings, so we had leftovers. And got home very late. 

Naked Stu came down to visit, so I introduced him to Nikita Gill and ate some of Grandma's bread. We all went and did sealings in the temple on Saturday which was really nice. Then we drove Stu around for a while looking for a part to his truck. The truck is older than me and I'd say it's time to give up on it since it breaks down on every trip. He borrowed a truck to get home. But before that, we had pizza with Grandma and watched the Suns game (noticing a trend?). 

Collin had us and some other buddies over for the Superbowl. The food was a 10. The halftime lineup was a 10, with mics that were subpar for vocals. And the game looked good until after that quick TD in the second half. After that, things were just a little slow. But Rog chased some kids around and changed no diapers, so that's apparently a win.  

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