Sunday, February 6, 2022

The 355

Our schedule of cooking twice a week each (for an army) is going well. I tried out the cast iron cookbook the Chins got us for Christmas - featuring fancy grilled cheese with homemade pesto (and a dying basil plant) as well as a killer pasta ft. a semi-cheap pinot grigio (thanks for the tip, dad!). Rog made the classic milanesa napolitana and a stew with a green chili kicker. I also experimented with a cast iron cookie and lemon poppyseed instapot recipe. 

The sports front was less successful. After weeks of people bugging me to reserve the gym for VB, I finally did and 2 people showed up. Thanks, guys. Hopefully we have a better turnout tomorrow. Boxing was good and we even broke a heavy bag! (It was our new classmate, Lauren). My oly class was really good, especially since I was the only one there, so Chris and I got to have a 1-on-1 session and bond over some mutual amis and mine/his wife's mutual dislike for other humans. I'm getting a little better. 

Becky called me to ask me to join her in 75 hard to prepare for our Ragnar. I know all about this challenge and had previously decided it wasn't really worth it to do it because it's not sustainable. For those who aren't familiar, it's 75 days straight of 4L of water, 2 nonconsecutive 45-min of exercise with at least one session outside, 10 pages of a self-improvement book, some kind of diet (you pick), and a progress picture every single day. If you mess up, you start over. I agreed to join in with the following stipulations: I will do 2 sessions of exercise totaling at least 90min and one session has to be either outside or with other people. Since I already have my own exercise goals and classes, this seemed like a reasonable compromise. I am not excited.

Roger was in Woodruff for a funeral Saturday, but was back in time for a date. We went to check out some running shoes at the mall since he'll be doing the Ragnar as well. Then we saw the 355 in theaters - it had lots of twists and turns which made it really good and very obvious girl power plot points which I appreciated I guess. Then we used our gift card at Chili's for some killer drinks, cajun shrimp pasta, and bacon chicken quesadillas, and a cast iron cookie/ice cream. 

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