Sunday, March 27, 2022

Day 49

I've been reading a lot of books lately. Basically this happens whenever I get my new monthly supply. Roger was even jealous because Sanderson's sequel trilogy to Mistborn is pseudo-western. But he has to finish the OG books before he gets to this one. I'm already sad that I can't get any April books until after my birthday. What will I do for the next few weeks?

I keep telling Roger this is his ideal car/truck hybrid.
He hates it.

We had a coworker pass away this week. She was driving home from a patient's house at like 8pm and hit an elk on the highway. So that's super scary and she was a really nice lady who clearly did a lot for her patients. Prayers to her fam.

Roger is really happy I notice deer now.

The YW had a self-defense activity with only 4 of us there. JJ did a great job teaching tricks and putting up with the giggles. But everyone said I was the hardest to escape from. And I made them all do it before they were allowed to go home. 

A bird.

I was a little sick this week. Like the beginning stages of food poisoning. (I still did my 75 hard) but I didn't eat a whole lot. And by Friday I was actually hungry, which is really unusual for me at this point. 

Roger suggested pizza, so I picked up some Little Caesar's with extra sauce and ate it in the parking lot at his work while I waited for him to be done. Then we went to see The Lost City in theaters. Would recommend if you don't mind some humor based off the MC's career as a romance novelist. And Channing Tatum's booty. Roger laughed so loud, we missed half the movie, but we'll be watching it again. 


We had a busy Saturday starting with birdwatching for Roger's ornithology class. We saw an osprey bring several snakes back to its nest and a couple other cool birds. Rog was wishing for a telephoto lens, but my landscape deal comes first since Iceland is coming up soon, so we just have the 50mm and the wide angle lens for now. 


Grandma Sandall met us at Olive Garden for lunch. We like having lunch with her on occasion and showing her new places. We chatted about bleaching fake moss and YW activities. She's got lots of visitors around keeping her busy. 

Kailan, my advisor at church, had a baby shower so I dropped in for a bit. There was a bouncy house for the kids and so many taco snacks and orchata in baby bottles and you know how these things go. Roger waited for me, since I was only there for a short time, and he was scared of all the moms who needed to breastfeed their kids in the vicinity. 

This is the osprey.

We went to a Theatrikos community theater performance of Steel Magnolias, which was really well done. I've been thinking for a while that I want to get involved in this but I'm a little scared by how intimate the setting is and honestly how good they are. If I ever get released, I'd like to do it. Practices are like every night for 2 months and then performances, so I need more time. 

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