Sunday, May 22, 2022

Nice Face.

This was a recovery week still, but mostly from illness. My body felt pretty good to go starting Monday. As long as I didn't have to walk downhill too steeply. Which I did on Wednesday since I joined the deacons & beehives on a lava caves hike. It was basically straight down into a hole, around a loop, and back up. Worst part was actually "midget land" - where the ceiling is 3-4 feet high for about 50 feet. 

The descent.

My work schedule was a bit crazy this week since none of my patients ever wanted to see me. Every day, I redid my schedule like 3-4 times just to make sure it was full. But if they cancel the day of, there's not much I can do. So one day I was able to bring home some ice cream and meet Rog for a late spaghetti lunch. 

I didn't do much working out this week just because my lungs are still shot and I was trying to get some extra sleep. But I did go to my boxing class and made it all the way through. I stayed in my little corner and had a good time. 

Weird lighting, but nice lake.

Roger was really excited when I suggested a breakfast date and some archery practice post. Words he used to describe my shooting "wonderful",  "incredible". Let the record be set. (I also was only shooting at 20 yards, but still.)

Also nice face. 

He left to head up to Page and I went to get some sewing stuff at Joann's for a new project. And then to a dance recital which was wayy longer than I anticipated but also pretty dang good. One of our girls won an award and did a solo performance, which was cool to see. 

He's getting better at this. 

Sunday we went birdwatching and I did some final playing with the camera and tripod and some of my new lens filters. I'll be partway across Iceland this time next week. 

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