Monday, February 13, 2023

Elk Everywhere

I got my blood tested again. I really like this lab - it took me 8 minutes to do the whole thing. So now I have to meet with my naturopath again to adjust my meds. Hopefully we keep honing it down. But overall, I feel one million times better, just with some weird energy fluctuations. 

We cancelled VB last week due to midterms, but I did make it to the gym and basketball and on my hot girl walks. I scared off a ton of elk from the driveway (and I always try to take pictures, but my camera only works quickly when I don't need it to.)

The ones I scared away. 

The YW activity was changed semi-last minute from making apple butter and heart attacking to just heart attacking. We did still get homemade bread, but I was kind of disappointed since I could've whipped together an applesauce making activity, but ah well. It was still fine. 

The stake also had a YW training with catered Cafe Rio. It's mostly just a hang out and troubleshooting. I was happy to see Rachel and Kailan, but also Megan and Robin. I was voted "most helpful unhelpful person". 

Friday we left for Page with several bottles of coochie juice (to mix) in the car. We had a nice snack of cereal and chicken strips and Connie cookies (like homemade Reese's), before I crashed and Roger stayed up to play some games. 

Later in the week up close, but still driving. 

We woke up to a roaring fire and fresh monkey bread, so I was having a great time. I read a little and helped chop/stack wood for a lady down the street. Hannah almost chopped up a log or two. Then Rog made us the most delicious milanesa's. 

Unfortunately, not long after that, we went to Joe's surprise birthday and retirement party where there were many Navajo tacos to be eaten. So we stuffed the stuffing. It was all delicious and I was glad to talk to Taylor and Carson - who have similar parenting styles to what I'd imagine I would have. But they are nicer about it. I like them. 

We drove home after so Rog could make it to ward council and I could surprise teach a lesson (#prepared) and then go to the class presidency training. Then we hung out with the Palmers for the Superbowl. I had a great time telling Al (with the help of Mike & Heather) about our creepily friendly ward. And Mike told me that at church today, Heather was feeling bad about being a little mean and standoffish, but then remarked, "Well, Hutch is in the ward, so at least I'm not the worst one." Hilarious. (And true.)

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