Monday, February 27, 2023

Snow Szn

It is a snowy season and Lake Powell is already expected to rise up to 70ft. And there's more snow on the way. This we got a ton, almost daily. I still managed to play volleyball, but my other nightly activities and even work were affected. (That's a big deal, since we don't get snow days.) I did have a VERY light Friday since all my patients were in Williams (where I couldn't get to due to closed highways) or too sick to see me. So I ended up picking some people back up from my PTA.  

It was snowy and blizzardy to the point where it was hard to go outside, so I put my hot girl walks on hold, but I did finish my whole gym routine. One day I'll get to run outside (I do have a Ragnar to prep for, lol). But Rog couldn't go coyote hunting either. 

We kept up our reading streak. Rog recently was gifted a box of Louis L'amour books from his grandma's collection (which is fair since she ripped apart several from his collection during her dementia years). He took the ones he needed and we took the rest to Bookman's to trade for new books. And for the first time ever, Rog spent more than me on books. He got a few R.A. Salvatore to try out and restocked his collection (minus 3 books). 

The exciting news of the week is that we made some new friends! There's a couple that I was seeing post-op who are some avid hikers and hunters. After seeing the game room (and by game, I mean big game, of course), I knew I had to introduce Rog. He had a blast swapping hunting stories and talking about his favorite spots in Arizona. We stayed far longer than we meant, but had a great time. And we signed up for the Turkey Banquet so we have an excuse to see them again. 

We had cancelled church for the second week in a row, and so we spent time at Carol's house. Rog played Ticket to Ride at least twice and I took a nap. We enjoyed some blueberry dump cake that Roger made, but was attributed to me several times because I am a woman. 

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