Sunday, December 24, 2023

the last hutchins wedding (boy ed.)

Another week of low energy, but I forced myself to work out at least. Rog joined someone's city league team (by request) half way through their season and found out why they kept losing players. Their captain is a jerk. So after 3 games, he also quit. I think he bribed Stu to finish out the season with a bunch of swag and $100 gift cards after he quit as well. 

We didn't have YW this week because there was the party the President planned on Sunday. Unfortunately, this was the week that they were supposed to plan a bunch of future activities, so not sure what the plan is there, but also not sure anyone listens when I tell them it's a bad idea because it's been happening too often. 

our child, mgh

Tuesday, I was seeing my second patient in Williams (about 1h away) and my check engine light came on. I finished the day out and decided to drive Rog's car the rest of the week until they could get me in at our shop (next Monday). 

fruit dinner

This changed our plans for our trip to Utah this week. I only had 2 patients on Friday and was done by noon, but Rog wasn't even packed yet when he got off at 6, so that made our drive real late. I am still not sleeping at night (and still haven't gotten my liver meds in the mail), so I am basically exhausted all the time anyways, but we didn't arrive in Alpine until 2am on Saturday morning. 

We then woke up about 6:30 to catch a ride to Xander and Maddy's sealing with the parentals. We were about 40 minutes early and missed the extra snooze, but the temple was good, lunch was good, and MGH enjoyed the cider - even when it was too scalding to taste. 

welcome to the fam, maddy

We had a nice morning of catching up with some fam before heading home and taking a nap. Then we had fruit dinner, Lauren came over, Rog went to a BYU game (his first college sporting event ever), and I was too cranky to do much of anything except chat and go to bed. Then we woke up bright and early and drove the eight hours home. 

Lauren's favorite color scheme

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