Sunday, December 24, 2023


 Bad news on the car. I got a call partway through the day, saying that they had done my oil change and tire rotation (which I was due for and had requested), but AFTERWARDS had checked the engine status and basically said I lost compression on my 2nd cylinder and the only way to fix that is to take apart the engine or put a brand new one in. Which is unfortunate, because the car is still pretty young in miles and has never had any major fixes and also why do I want an oil change for a car I can't drive. 

We took in into another place for a second opinion. Frankly, I'm not sure they did much other than read the codes as far as diagnostics. Hopefully we'll get some better news, but Rog is settled on me getting a Tacoma instead. Which is not something I was hoping to commit to, but we'll see.

The crew. 

This was my week off of weightlifting and as another low energy week, that was fine with me. I had 3 full days of work, volleyball, YW that I wasn't in charge of, but I knew the actual person wouldn't run, so I was basically in charge anyways. (Also someone told the missionaries they could have their sports night in the gym at the same time, but it was our ward's turn to use the gym for combined activities and it's just reserved automatically every 3rd Wednesday for it, so not sure what happened there, but they joined us.)

Then I had Th/Fri off to do nothing. And I did little to nothing. Slept in, took naps, I did go to a birthday dinner for my friend Rachel, which is always good company. I filmed some vids for my YouTube, so I can edit those over Christmas. I went to Cafe Rio, I got some mechanic work done on Roger's car that I'm still driving. And we drove up to Page for egg rolls. 

Happy 30th!

Saturday, we went on a hike that was supposed to be 60minutes away and about 400m total to a large panel of petroglyphs. However, those were Stu's estimates, so it was actually 100min away and closer to 2 miles of sketchy uphill bouldering, but it was fun. 

We came home in time for Ryan dogs and salsa (or ceviche depending on your preference). I read a book and we showed the crew The Librarian saga - which apparently has been unfindable for everyone (but also the first result in Amazon). 

The real highlight of the weekend for me was Sunday lasagna (my request). I ate too much and that's honestly all I want to eat. 

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