Monday, April 28, 2014

Mission Accomplished

French Airports
French fact. Easter goes until Monday here. Meaning VERY limited transportation here. Which is the worst. And no one talks about Jesus at church. Also the worst. 

What a crazy week. We took a plane out to Lyon really early Monday morning. The flight was supposed to be an hour long, but ended up taking only 30 minutes. Normally, I'd be okay with that, but this means that my nap was really short. And after having woke up at 530, I was cranky and somewhat delirious, as you might have guessed from last week's update. Anyhow, we got to Lyon, did emails, saw some of my favorite amis and missionaries. Especially, Suin Jo who just got baptized yesterday! She is so solid. We chilled with Ecully's Soeur Carter and Luthi, one of which was deathly ill. We ate some ice cream which was delicious. Cocochoc and Lavender flavors. One surefire win and one crazy one. We then got to teach Promise, who has now been confirmed. He is so great and so happy and loves his family so much.
Tuesday was Jedi Council. And what a council it was. I have never felt the Savior so close. I know He lives. I know He loves us. We talked a lot about the power of the BOM. I realized, in my studies this week, pretty much all it talks about is Christ and His doctrine, which produces love. So, if you want to know what the most important message is, that's it. The Assistants killed it too. They work well together and are really engaging. Also, at Jedi Council, found out that one of Elder Sagers' beloved cousins is Natalie and Elder Anderson used to play basketball with Steel. Small world. After the meeting, we headed up to Besançon for the night, where we were able to go to the end of an FHE and do a short exchange with Srs Swenson and Rohndahl. Sr Swenson being one of my favorite people and a delightful breath of fresh air, and Sr Rohndahl, having been trained by Sr Hulme.
Magre family-cousins to MTC Canadian teacher

The next morning we were able to recouperate Sr Hulme's carte de sejour sans problème. Literally took us five minutes. We visited Sr Hulme's old ami, Sandrine, a wonderful, vaguely Russian woman with lots of kids. Then, we took another train back to Lyon and taught Fr Girard the recent convert how to teach a first lesson with the missionaries. We slept over and arose at 4am the next morning for another flight back to Bordeaux before Zone Training. 

We got there just in time. Our part of the presentation went really well. Now everyone knows how awkward I am. Actually, it was pointed out that I'm crazy and awkward, but it works. Thank you, Elder Powell. I just wanted to get some energy into that room. And I have plenty of it, despite how tired I am ever. I also had people dress up for role plays, which was new and exciting. Then I went on exchange with Soeur Brimhall, who is my age and great. We had a wonderful lesson with Soeur Baquadano, who wants to do missionary work but feels awkward. We also got to meet with another member, Sr Picard. Her husband was up fixing the roof the whole time, but I had a nice convo with him. Then he told me on Sunday that I scare him. Definitely NOT the first time I've heard that. Just ask Soeur Layton about the first time I contacted someone. I'm just naturally aggressive and very American. 

Lyon's own great and spacious building
We met referral named Sonia who is way cool and believing and just has no direction. We can help with that. Our exchange ended and finally, Friday afternoon, we were able to do our grocery shopping. We then taught our ami Alain, who is really cool and had RCM. Saturday we were on exchange again all day, this time with Soeur Nuutinen, from Finland. Weirdly enough, her two BFFs are in the mission too. We taught our new engagée, Joy, from Nigeria. She's awesome. Then we tried to find a less active in Begles. 

Sr Povar's lollipop--look closely--would you?
Prepare yourself for the grand finalé. Last Sunday, we gave a spiritual thought in Primary, and I was really impressed by these two kids from the same family. Sr Hulme agreed and said they were awesome and already great missionaries. True story. She also told me that no missionary has been able to visit them in a year and a half. Challenge Accepted. (Warning-one time I accepted such a challenge, I drove Derek's stick shift through the garage door.) Essentially, I was really aggressive and determined. And got it done. We had the most wonderful rdv yesterday with this family. It was good because I got along really well with the kids and so I was distracting them so Sr Hulme could talk to the parents. We kind of just work. She's kind of how I picture a typical sister missionary, especially in the states. And I'm completely insane. It's a nice mixture. Anyways, turns out the last time they let missionaries over was actually four years ago. And they live in Talence, meaning easy access to missionaries. What an awesome family. Love.

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