Sunday, January 28, 2018

This is Good

I'm starting to realize that trials are real. But at the same time, there's not a whole lot you can do with them besides deal the best you can and hope you have good friends who can bail you out in a clutch. And so I maintain my idea that life just isn't that hard. Even if it is frustrating at times.

Like when I plugged my new self-diagnostic tool into the OBD port in my car and it blew the fuse box. It was a huge mess, but when I called The Chin to ask him about it, turns out he was in the hospital. Then I called Grampy to vent and he was in the hospital too. Also my coworker's truck broke down the same day. And Cenita got rear-ended and has a concussion. So really, there were bigger concerns than getting to work and paying for the fix.

Nobody is currently on the verge of death, so that's good.

And my car is on the mends, so that's good too.

And Melissa let me borrow her car so I could get to my interview in Flagstaff - which went swimmingly and is the winner, I think.

And Cenita did a lot of driving with me on Friday despite her concussion. We rewarded ourselves for the worst week ever with pizza and ice cream (with hand-broken Reese's in it).

I mean, SO to all the kids that helped me get around and maintain my sanity. Even Jen bought me some fries, which goes a long way.

Oh, did I mention I got into the University of Utah? I guess that's good too.

And Saturday, I was able to use my still-broken but drivable car to get to the temple. And that was great.

And I bought myself a new pillow and a foam roller. And some new glasses, which are hecka expensive, turns out. Kudos to the chins for having so many kids with terrible eyes.

And I've been listening to The Greatest Showman soundtrack, which isn't nearly as good (or as long) as Hamilton, but still well worth it.

The point is that everyone is fine and sometimes that's all you can ask for in a week. And it's good.

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