Monday, July 29, 2019

Grandpa Chin

The last exams of the semester occurred this week - a practical (which was stupid easy for me) and a written exam (which was less easy). A guest lecturer told us all about informatics and then laughed at the DadBod’s presentation on how we’d use it to streamline our patient influx. 

'Noeing and fishing. 
Boxing is almost over, but I did get some gloves for super cheap on the Title website. So when I drop by for occasional classes in the future, I’ll be ready. You know what I’m not ready for? Living in the wild. Brandi and I did some canoe fishing this week and still got nada. 

Crew. 'Vada 2k19.
Kailey, Roger, Ryder, and I went on an afternoon swim at Lake Powell to celebrate the end of most of my summer classes. We had a delicious lasagna dinner from Hannah, and played some good basketball at the church. We ended the night with a family chat and rewatching the movie Stardust. 

He loves babies so much. 
Friday, I was woken up early for some “delicious waffles” which were true to their name. I did a lot of HW and drove with Rog up north, making it to Mesquite in time for a late Mexican dinner. We hung out while the Chin watched the tater tot and loved her. And after they both went to bed, the adults watched Get Out. (Definitely worth seeing). 

"Let's get a pic."
We hit up the temple in the morning (post-breakfast at the hotel). The Chin kept saying, “Hey can we take a picture?” And by WE, he meant only him and Aurora. We ate at Golden Corral and snagged some cookies and then crashed immediately. Rog and I went for a quick swim while the Chin was still out and then we met back up again for dinner and Loot. When Aurora was asleep again, we went to see the Lion King (which was worth seeing, but no comparison). 

Whenever we went back to the hotel, he'd
just sit there and watch baby videos for days. 
It was good to hang out with the fam again, even if everyone was a bit distracted. We left the Chin to his devices with the tater and headed back to Page for dinner with the missionaries (and ice cream along the way)! And sink me if we didn’t watch the Scarlet Pimpernel. 

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