Sunday, August 4, 2019


School culminated in a 3-day professional development seminar that made me want to curb stomp several people. The first two days were long and dull and all of my opinions were contrary to the general mass. At least I'm not a sheep. TJ was nice enough to take me shooting afterwards to get out some of my rage.

The last day was much more enjoyable and akin to what I was expecting. We had some cool lectures in innovation and where we need to be focusing in our profession. I got a great idea for a short film I can make for my capstone project. I had a chat with Petra, which generally improved my mood. And Val had a lecture on personality types and how that looks in a clinic. If you want to know everything behind my motivations (and most Disney villains), look here.

Last workout of the semester is always cardio day. #swolenation
And now, I'm out. This is peak sanity ladies and gents, it will only go downhill from here. I sleep in. I go running in the forest with a couple of cute dogs. I read several books, watched a few movies including Starsky and Hutch (the remake with Snoop Dogg), Get Smart, and Paycheck. I wrote half my PICO report and learned how to play poker. And that was only day one.

I also did pretty good at our ward bowling night, contrary to my history. That 40-frame game I played for my coworker's birthday party really helped out. I came in second after being in the lead most of the game. I also ran a ward poker night a few days later, with candy as the currency.

I'm the H. 
Roger and I went on a rainy woodland adventure, in which nobody was left stranded in the forest and we only got lost once. And we had a delicious steak dinner and then stole some of Ryan's ice cream in exchange for a game of dice (which I also won).

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