Thursday, January 2, 2020

One Week Ago (aka I Could Eat)

Maddy, Rahz, and I took a taxi to an all-inclusive resort (after ensuring the taxi driver was old and frail and we could easily take him). I hid in the bathroom for 30minutes while they checked in to our 2-person room. We ate at an unreal buffet before changing into our swimsuits and heading to the beach. We saw fish and drank pina coladas.

Maddy and I took a sailing lesson. J Star taught us reggae line dances. Romaine made us delicious chocolate coconut smoothies. We drank out of real coconuts and had fresh pineapple. I schooled some old people in sand volleyball with a torn ACL.

We walked along the beach and swam at sunset. We took the best showers and got room service (because we could) and went to our Hibachi appointment at 9. We went to a silent disco and a piano-singalong and we crashed.

I went to morning yoga while Maddy threw up because she forgot she can't eat asian food.  We went kayaking and rode on bikes in the pool. We floated around and tanned because the sun felt so good. 

We showered again and checked out and ate at the ridiculous buffet and drank more chocolate coconut smoothies. We took a taxi to town and did a little shopping while Maddy got her hair braided by some insistent shopkeepers. 

We dropped Maddy and Rahz off at the airport and then Andre and I went to my hotel for the second night's stay. (Which was significantly less nice). I called the folks and chilled and had complimentary goat curry for breakfast and went to the pool before taking a taxi with Kevin to the airport. 

Where I waited 5 hours for a delayed flight. I made it back to AZ by midnight, my car by 1, my apartment by 4 (due to icy roads), and Page by 6am. Just in time for Christmas Eve with Kevin and the Sandalls. 


Kevin and Stu played bball at some point. I took a nap and a shower and did laundry. We ate chimichangas. And played lots of Enemy. We had a family come visit while I worked on resewing a missized wallet I bought in my new Christmas pjs. 

When you get to wrap your own gifts. 
Christmas was nice. I slept in. Ate homemade toast and hot chocolate. We opened gifts just like the Hutchins do. I got a quilt from Eve which is the warmest new addition to my house. And some boots (which passed the hunting test), wool socks (which I'm still wearing), and a new shirt from the Chin that Roger claims is his favorite. My adult light-up shoes were clutch and I've already read (and want to re-read) the book Shannon got me because it's that good. Then we introduced these kids to Clue and they loved it. 

No Kill Kev in action. 
We woke up early to go rabbit hunting. The Sandalls gave Kevin and I camo shirts for Christmas and I'm pretty sure Kevin is still wearing his. (It IS scent-protected...) We got nothing, but had a good time. Then I headed down for another doctor's appointment to satisfy insurance. Surgery scheduled tentatively for Jan 8th. 

Kevin and Roger met up later and we went shooting together (which was much more successful than rabbit hunting). Kevin made the targets and brainstormed a new What Do You Meme? Chins ed. as we played the Hutchins version of Guess Who? It's currently in the works. 

We spent an evening playing Things with Ryan and Carol's family and eating their food - fish, applesauce, salad. We drove down to Roger's mission son's wedding reception on Saturday and took turns stealing personal bottles of Martinelli's and putting them in the car. I think we went home with ten altogether. In addition to the free tacos and snacks and drinks we consumed all evening. 

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