Monday, March 23, 2020


Here are some important things to note from this adventure:

   1. Roger has been telling me he hates cider until he tasted the New England Version and then we crushed 2+ gallons PER DAY.

   2. Mom, MGH, and I worked out on the daily. Moriah can do 120+ SL STS and loves superman/bananas. She also one day told me she didn't want to work out bc her leg bruise hurt. I told her that's ok bc it was arm day.
   3. All of our fun plans were cancelled - Celtics, Boston, deep sea fishing... So all we had to do was eat, hike, and play games. All of Roger's favorite things. I'm game for 1/3.

Look closely...
Monday we tried to see where Roger's dad lived as a missionary and apparently went to the wrong place. We tried to go to Green Falls, but it was closed for tree felling. And we tried to go up Lantern Hill, but then thought we were on the wrong path and tried to take a shortcut and went up the wrong hill. But we DID see a snake.

Be ONE with the ducks. 
Tuesday we hit up Mystic Village (and the honey shop) with Kelly and Zubby. Lavinia drove with us to all of our adventures, and then stayed in the car. Like a lump. We sampled honey and mustard and walked around in the cold and MGH got a new finger puppet named Peacock.
We tricked Moriah into going on a hike to Glacier Park and she actually did ok. But as soon as she found out we were almost done, she started BOOKING. I think she yelled over her shoulder "Guacamole". Because that's what she had to look forward to at the homestead. We played Ticket To Ride and Roger loved it.
Moriah just likes to sit and look at the water. 
Wednesday we got Ming Moon for lunch bc Roger's never had good Chinese food. And then we took a trip to see the temple, Gilette's Castle, and Devil's Hopyard. By the end, Isabelle stayed in the car too. We set up HeroScape and auctioned the guys off.
In her spot. We found out later she was only hanging
out with us bc her drawing stuff was confiscated. 
Thursday it was raining so we PLAYED HeroScape. And Roger won and loved it. And we made spaghetti with deer meat, which was delicious. We probably played another game afterwards.
Friday we went to Avery Point and saw the ocean and a lighthouse and it was too cold. So we restocked the cider and went home. And probably played so many games.

Saturday we went on a family adventure to canoe and fish in a local lake. Moriah hated it and everytime we took a break, she would yell "PADDLE!" to try to get us to go back to shore. And when we made it there, she said, "Hey, didja miss me?" As if she hadn't been a stressball the whole trip.
Her favorite part was looking back at these pics later. 
After a short break, we took a stroll to Avalonia, our backyard pond and trail. Roger wrote in his notebook for school and I waited in the sunlight. Then He experienced Risk while MGH and I had a dance party. We learned a new game like ghosts in the graveyard and dinosaur hugged it out pre-flight at 6am out of Boston.

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