Monday, March 2, 2020

Eulogy for a Fool(ogy)

This week was more doctor's appointments than anything else. I had PT per usual, and a follow-up with the PA, and a new visit to the Naturopath (and a subsequent visit back to the PA), and then to Sedona for some blood testing - because that's the nearest place my insurance contracts with. And I felt generally terrible during all of it.

Treated myself to some BOMB Mexican post bloodwork. 
So, some better highlights were the monthly AT/PT journal club (where Brandi and I argue with our professors and everyone else watches); my neuro patient (who is the cutest) and our SLPs (who I will be rioting against); and the free shirt I got while working because I dropped into the basketball game real quick. Our clubhouse provided free pizza one night, which Roger enjoyed. I ordered items from our GoBIG funds for the clinic that I am STOKED about. And I worked another LAX game to help pay for my doctors.

The highlight of the week was a funeral. (Does that tell you anything about what kind of week it was??) More specifically, a funeral for John Robert's youth, since he's turning 25 tomorrow. We dressed in all black and handed out printed programs and carnations for the friends and family to drop at his feet after they had said their remarks. Abbie put together a slideshow, looped to sad music. And then we had food, including funeral potatoes. John Robert hated it, which was arguably the best part.

Sunday was also fun. During which I felt worse than usual, but still managed to be Facetiming the Chin at the exact moment Xander realized our house was on fire. Again. We kept chatting for a few minutes before he went to check on it and MGH snatched his phone right up so we could plan every single meal for the upcoming week and her shopping list.

Roger was helping Brandt and Becky move some heavy stuff out of the house they just sold, so I snuggled with Paislee and watched Forged in Fire. During which we decided that in the future, we will be holding our own competition. And since I'm involved, you know it'll actually happen.

Bc I have to mention seeing my BFF this week.
And I need a reminder to save her GC tix. 

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