Monday, May 18, 2020


The SLC VA hospital was supposed to meet me this week, but instead, I spent two more days in Page doing shenanigans and left for Prescott, with a PT visit along the way. Right now, my knee feels pretty good except for some very frequent and painful shifting/clicking that is also moderately disconcerting. But other than that, I'm getting back into it.

So now I'm living with Roger's cousins and their 2 kids in a shoebox apartment as they finish their house (where we will eventually live). I share a room with 3y o Paislee who never sleeps there and get to hang out with her and 1y o Marshall on the daily. Becky and I are planning to work out every day and are 100% (excluding Sundays). We're also making TikToks now and learning a bunch of the dances so we can go hard at the clubs (when they reopen).

Our "Wocket in My Pocket" outfits
Zeb was in town to help with the house, so we had B&G for breakfast after our run and before I drove up to Williams to meet Maddy for a semi-illegal Sycamore Falls hike. The falls are not running currently, but if they were, I'm not sure we would have found them. We did meet a couple of kids our age, Vlad and Shane, who showed us how to climb down into the canyon and tried to give us PT advice. Haha. They promised to send us the drone pics they took.

This is for Roger to see and cry about. 
While in the bottom, we saw some girls taking pictures from above and they also promised to send us those pics. We met a group of hilarious old people having a rock throwing contest. And another delightful family who helped us find our way back to the trailhead.

Looking down into the chasm. 
Maddy and I went to Carol's and watched them try to fix their camper with limited screws (since the missing box was in Ryan's pocket). We had a cookout with the Grandparents and put whole green chiles on everything.

Sunday morning we had french toast and bacon and learned all about how Ryan and Carol met and dated (thanks, Stu). And talked about some of the coolest hikes in AZ. We watched Kelly and the Chin smoke at a Boston devotional, which Grampy proclaimed, "was the best part of the whole thing".

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