Sunday, May 31, 2020

Cajun Crawdads

I recently noticed some clunking in my car and took it in to get checked out. Just as I suspected: a faulty control arm. For those of you who aren't car gurus, if this breaks, I'm toast. So I did NOT drive a ton this week. BUT - Becky and I did work out every day (and in the real gym) so we are sore.

If you were wondering how the birds were doing. 3
Becky also took me golfing for the first time ever. And I was not good. But I got better. But I also missed the ball 66.66% of the time. Gotta try again.

I drove up to Flag for a PT appointment and to check out a possible apartment for later. Then up to Page so Rog and I could get a license - which was the worst hassle. And then up to Jackson Flat.

I wore waders like those old cranberry bog dudes and went fishing and planted crawdad traps before it was dinner time. But my waders had a hole and were slowly leaking. I changed into the spare waders and tested them out. And they had a hole and were rapidly leaking. So I changed into some spare pants and socks and didn't really participate in the manual crawdad catching.

The next morning I went yakking (like the good ol days) and it was nice. The ducks didn't like my being on the lake, but I did. We packed up and came home and watched the Magnificent Seven (old version) and had a Cajun Crawdad boil. Just like the movie Scooby Doo on Zombie Island. But they looked like those big bugs at the restaurant in the Emperor's New Groove. So picture that.

Also congrats to DJ D-Wreck and the Shennsley. You know why.

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