Sunday, October 3, 2021

Girls Night

Fall is here and there is no quality apple cider to be found. If any of you have homemade recieps TDF, please let me know. 

Work. There's a new PT in Cottonwood who will hopefully be trained soon. He's driving up from Phoenix, so his commute isn't any shorter than mine. But he has experience in home health and the support of the PHX offices, so hopefully he'll be set. 

MVP Taylor Bush. 

Sports. City league VB will be happening. Unfortunately it is on Wednesday nights, which is also when my YW leader wants to do all our activities even though our day is on Thursdays. So I'll figure that out. In the meantime, Monday night VB is still happening, every other Thursday boxing, and Friday basketball (for when the swelling in my knee gets back to a reasonable amount). I love physical activity. 

Health. I've been trying to get everything taken care of that I haven't been able to while in school with crappy insurance. My teeth are cleaned. I have my contacts (finally). And now I have a new retainer that is in the works since I grinded through my old one in the last 10 years. 

Thanks for agreeing to this party.

Best part of the week was a long-anticipated Girls Night at the Museum Club. Becky and I bought some tickets for the group and had some last minute cancellations, for which our friends Marissa and Taylor filled in - and were WELCOME. What a party. We need to do stuff like this more. It's nice to have friends outside of sports. 

AND we turned around real quick for this year's edition of General Conference. Which has, so far, been a 10/10 and emphasized a lot of thoughts I've been having lately. More to come, but just know it was more enjoyable for the cajun boil, milanesa, muffins, and surprise visit by Grandma Sandall. P-A-R-T-Y. 

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