Monday, January 24, 2022

A Day Off

Workwise, our patient numbers are thinning. Which is good since our employees are as well - a few people have covid and a few others are changing locations. I'm sad Kim is leaving, she's the goat and I've loved working with her. But, I had a day off this week and so Rog and I got to go on an adventure. 

The dream. Albeit a blurry one. 

We woke up early for a sunrise hike to Cathedral Rock, my favorite Sedona place so far. We met another photographer from Texas and helped a different one with his blue shirt themed photos. We saw lots of birds and hot air balloons and decided to get a longer lens for our camera. Next month. 

We ate at Lonespur Cafe, which was decent and chatted with Joe for a while. Then we ate steaks smothered in mushrooms. After Rog left for work, I went to print some things at Grandma's house for YW. I was there for 3.5 hours because we got pizza and ice cream and she told me about how she used to steal cats from the neighborhood, hide them in the garage, and feed them with liver pilfered from her dad's butcher shop. Classic. 

My favorite kind of taxidermy.

I had boxing and Olympic lifting this week. I'm getting better at snatches, but slowly. I figured out how to help my shoulder not hurt after lifting too. Volleyball starts up a week from Monday, so I gotta have it handled. 

We had our ward game afternoon which was suggested by the RS/Primary Presidents during ward council and Bishop tricked me into attending by making me come up with a game for the YW. Vonetta did the hard part, but I still had to be there. Rog and I won the mummy wrapping contest and everyone loved the ping pong ball shake. We came up with a great idea for an adult dance with the YW babysitting for next month's ward activity, so I replaced the tentative game night on the schedule. Apparently, that was not sufficient because the Primary Pres scheduled ANOTHER game day on a different Saturday. Bishop had my back on that one though. 

Always happy to be here

The YW are doing good at teaching the lessons so far. We'll see for the activities and our goals/missionary work deal coming up. We've got some things I'm excited for. 

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