Sunday, August 28, 2022

Chocolate Falls

It's been a decent week. I've had a fairly light patient load, but I was able to help out my coworker with some of her patients. It's raining every day, like the monsoons of old. And I love it. Thunder and lightning every day. What I did NOT love was the cricket that escaped into our apartment and did his mating calls every night at 2 am. 

In YW we did a family history night, which I feel like is traditionally boring. We ended up with only two girls there who actually had a lot of fun. We're working on figuring out how to incorporate this more often. 

Apparently this is taller than Niagra. 

Roger had told his family that I 'got lost' on the way to visit Chocolate Falls a few years back. What had really happened was I went a week too late and it wasn't flowing. Either way, Carol and Grandma and Hannah called me to invite me to go see it with them after work one day. So I did. 

I surprised Roger by shooting my bow every day. And then once I got my rhythm a bit more, we decided to mess around with the settings on my bow to make it better, but I think it's going to take some more adjusting. 

My pants should be done by the end of today. They are not what I wanted and there's a lot of things I'm made about, but I did learn some things too, so I guess it was worth it. Among other things, I learned that I hate pants and I hate making them even more. 

Roger went out with Carson and Will to try to find them an elk in Winslow this weekend (which apparently was a miserable time). Meanwhile, Becky and I scouted around in unit 10 (between Williams and the Grand Canyon) for elk for her hunt in a few weeks. We found lots of tracks and no animals in the actual unit. We got home just in time for Navajo tacos and Better Than Sex Cake (which I don't actually love). 

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