Sunday, August 7, 2022

Moving out the Stickery House

It was a lazy week where I felt jet lagged and exhausted from not having a real break over the weekend. It was all I could do to go to boxing and basketball and go on a couple walks. Seriously. I was so tired. 

I did also force myself to sew pockets into my soon to be pants, which was my HW assignment for my class. I also had a YW activity making jewelry and using the stuff from our closet - and it's a good thing because we've had 2 of our LA girls who are finally coming back, so I want to keep the momentum.  

This was Monday afternoon in Flagstaff. 

Workwise, I started helping Cottonwood out again to fill in as their PT finished training. Hopefully a much shorter term deal than previously. I did have a list of conditions that must be met for me to go to Cottonwood, including but not limited to additional pay. I don't hate it, but the office isn't great still. We also had a mtg with our regional therapy director that I wasn't told about until the day before. It was pretty useless and we had our sales manager there who always makes me mad. 

Roger graduated! I think. He finished his last final on Tuesday so we're waiting for a diploma in the mail. Then I'll believe. But he's feeling really good about it and going hiking every day and work every night. 

We had planned to go to Page this weekend to hang out with Hannah. And then to hang out with Stu since Hannah wasn't going to come down. But on Friday, Becky & Brandt asked us to go to Prescott and help them move from their house. So I hitched a ride Friday night and slept in my old bed and Roger drove down early Saturday after hanging at the Deacon's "High Adventure" campout. 

You can't even see half the dishes she made. 

Brandt and Rog handled the heavy stuff. Becky bossed people around and answered questions. And I packed the whole house up, basically. We had great food the whole time. And the missionaries showed up for a bit. But I would've liked to have a few Hutchins-style workers there. 

We got back Sunday and had a hangout and family dinner at Grandma's house - and she put on the spread. It was amazing and needed. 

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