Sunday, August 14, 2022

Pre vs Pro

I was in Cottonwood again - this time only 2 days and they've been pretty good about sticking to my requirements. The problems are 1) I'm training the new PT and don't have time to do my documentation during the day, and 2) all my Flag patients are going crazy. Everyone is leaving early and needs to be fit in and requires me to call 3 different parties (who don't communicate amongst themselves) to coordinate each visit - which led me to working 3 VERY full days. After a chat with my boss, she let me off the hook for later in the week and due to some cancellations, I had one patient on Friday. Honestly, I needed it. 

Wee Scotty did my last sewing class of this session on Tuesday. It was kind of a mess because the teacher just got back from a week in San Francisco and was frazzled, my other classmate missed days and hadn't made them up yet and was way behind, and people kept coming into the store (which is supposed to be closed). So all I did was sew on a zipper - which is actually a lot of work for a pair of jeans. I went home and finished putting them mostly together only to realize the waistband had not been factored into the pattern and now everything was sitting way too high and had to be totally redone. Mad. 

I went to a ward party that Rog wished he was at and I wished I wasn't. I chatted with some friends and some of my less active YW, so at least it was productive. Then I saw a lot of them again for a temple session and cleaning party the next night, which we invited Rog's parents too. It was fun to hang out and chat with them for a while. 

Here's the big update on my life. I had realized back in May that taking a probiotic instantly returned my hunger cues for the first time in 2 years, which was a huge relief. But probiotics are expensive, especially since buying them in gummy form is the only way I can consistently convince myself to take them. So I found a cheaper version and I bought 4 bottles of them and started taking them about 2 weeks. The problem is that they are not working. I tried doubling up and still nothing. And I realized that hunger wasn't the only thing they fixed, now that I've got a bunch of symptoms coming back. Here are a few things I've NOT been missing: 

  • hanger instead of hunger & no desire to eat whatsoever
  • extreme emotional lability
  • skin rashes
  • brain fog
  • extreme fatigue (to the point where even holding my head up is really hard)
  • less pooping (significantly)
  • difficulty falling asleep and poor sleep quality
Long story short, we went out and splurged on my regular meds. What a crazy situation.

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