Tuesday, October 11, 2022

Roger's Dream Hunt (part 5 the real actual end)

 Crazy week of work - lots of patients cancelling last minute and trying to reschedule and just a hot mess, but nice with Jade back in town. I also had to fit in my first (new) naturopath appt to try to fix my body again. And still trying to fix my ankle mobility at the gym, so we're a work in progress. 


Projects of the week have been a new t-shirt idea, voted on from a longgg list by my PT friends. And getting Grampy's music on streaming platforms so it's more accessible. Waiting on one piece before I can move forward to the review stage and hopefully everything goes smoothly from there. 

They can only use my phone if they remember my birthday. 

We had a YW activity making caramel apples and doing family history. We were lucky to have our bishop present in case anyone needed a recommend (although everyone that I wanted to be there was not). I also had a training meeting with half my counsellors which went really well and got us all excited about the future. 

Roger was hiking 20+ miles daily helping both Stu's get their elk with muzzleloaders. He had a great second hunt and I think is now satisfied. Although will definitely hunt more if asked. 

The Crew

Saturday we had a youth temple trip and one of my leaders Al was super excited because she was doing work for her grandmother. It was nice to be in the temple and with Roger. Bishop put me in charge of pizza, so within 10 minutes of leaving the temple, each car was loaded up with pizzas and we were on our way home. Efficiency. 


Sunday was a long day of church with ward council to kick it off. During which the RS teacher cancelled and the RS Pres asked if we could combine - I said fine but only because I was teaching and with the understanding that I was still going to make the YW a priority. We had a ton of people because it was also a missionary farewell day, but it went well and we read lots of scriptures. And one person almost remembered what an ordinance was. We're working on it. 

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