Monday, January 30, 2023


This was the longest week beCAUSE first of all, I had a THREE hour YW meeting AGAIN. I was so burnt out on people that I could not go to mutual the next day. Secondly, it had some decently bad snow Monday/Tuesday, so I pushed a bunch of people until later in the week, so it was busier than usual. THEN every single person - EVERY SINGLE PERSON - needed me to make multiple calls to doctors for them and I spent hours on the phone. 

I did play volleyball - which has been fun when we get enough people to have some good rallies. It's been a younger crowd lately of varying skill levels. I also went to my boxing class - and we all stayed late to do a little extra work at the gym. And of course, I went to the gym - this week with Megan AND Becky for our 2 workouts together. The second workout they were less chatty. 

The views. 
I really just worked on some Etsy and read my books and read Roger's book to him and chilled in my limited spare time. But we had plans Saturday to look forward to - his BFF Carson & wife Taylor & new twins Cash/Clyde (2 months old) met us in Sedona for the Sugarloaf Loop hike (more uphill than the reviews suggested and very poorly marked) and then some cowboy grub post. I like them a lot. And I like Sedona a lot. Would do again. 

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