Sunday, June 30, 2019

It's Not My First Rodeo

They tell us that summer is less intense. I think that's only true because we have less total classes. But we're in class longer and it feels like the workload is pretty similar. We finished our first term officially, as seen by a large project, a big exam, and a midterm of our full-summer class.

The OG Crew
I moved this week to my interim place - Val, one of my teachers & volleyball teammates, offered up her house for about a month until Brandi's lease is up and we can find a place. And her house is amazing. Mainly it's clean and I have my own room & bathroom, so I'm happy. Plus, they are delightful people that can tease each other, so we get along (as noted via family dinner tonight).

Finals Crew. 
The other cool thing I did this week was work at a rodeo. If you heard me mention 'cow tackling', you might've thought it was my first rodeo and you would've been 100% correct. My favorite events were the individual roping and all the events where you have to stay on a bucking animal. But since I was working medical, I only liked those if nobody got hurt. The good thing is, cowboys are tough. (I would know, since I now have boots and a buckle).

After Party Crew. 
Roger was in town for the rodeo and he helped me move all my stuff and also volunteered at the food center. Those guys are hilarious. And there's always new people working. I met Brian, a guy that travels to various places to help run races like Tough Mudders, etc. Since I'm in charge of GoBIG, NAU's annual race that benefits patients with Parkinson's, I got some nice tips.

Miss Rodeo Washington, our first patient here, and the owner of Seahawks chaps. 
We also hit up his nephew's baby blessing and luncheon afterwards. And almost took a nap, but there was so many people that kept talking to me because I was falling asleep that it was hard to actually do it. Good food, good humans, good times.

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